Mobile Learning with Multimedia (MLM_NTI)

Course Description

 The Mobile Learning with Multimedia course introduces participants to the use of technology tools that are readily available to them to develop curriculum-relevant and pedagogically sound educational podcasts that are broadcast ready and easily accessible in low connectivity settings. In many countries where schooling has been disrupted due to COVID-19, educators are seeking innovative ways to create quality learning opportunities for distance education and teacher professional development. This has been particularly challenging in contexts where teachers and learners may not have access to home computers or the internet. Educational podcasting provides a means to mobile learning through teacher-generated audio lessons, without the need for expensive equipment and institutional learning platforms.

Participants will learn how to use audio and multimedia tools to develop microlearning lessons as Open Educational Resources for delivery on radio, dial-in access, among other low bandwidth options for last mile mobile learning.

Recommended short course

Understanding Open Educational Resources (OER)

OER Course thumbnail

This is a self-paced 3-hour course suggested as a prerequisite for those registered for the Mobile Learning with Multimedia (MLM) course. If you wish to know more about OER, then you can take this short course at your own time before the start of the MLM course. A certificate is issued once you complete the OER course.


Course Contents

Participants will:

  • Watch the welcome video.
  • Understand the course aims and objectives.
  • Understand how to navigate the course and access materials on MooKIT.
  • Learn how to qualify for a Certificate of Completion.
  • Take the orientation quiz.
  • Familiarise themselves with the use of blogs for self-reflection.
  • Introduce themselves in the ‘Getting to know you’ discussion forum.

Participants will:

  • Learn about the multimedia landscape
  • Identify the pedagogical differences of media
  • Learn about the affordances of mobile technology
  • Plan for production of audio lessons/podcast series (Content chunking)
  • Create a script for one podcast episode
  • Identify tools and equipment for audio recording and editing that can be used on mobile devices.

Participants will:

  • Learn about podcasts and elements of podcasts
  • Identify different types of educational Podcasts
  • Outline the different ways of using audio lessons and podcasts in education (design)
  • Record audio from a script, for a podcast episode

Participants will:

  • Use audio editing software to edit their podcast episode
  • Upload edited audio lessons to an online podcast portal
  • Create engagement for their podcast 

Participants will:

  • Learn how to create accessible audio resources (transcripts, captions and Sign Language)
  • Learn about transforming audio-only resources into audio-visual resources. 
  • Learn about using interactive voice response (IVR) systems for low-internet resource areas

Target audience

The course targets  teachers and education leaders in Sokoto and Kebbi States, with mentors from National Teachers Institute (NTI, Kaduna). It will be implemented over a four-week duration, with participants committing up to 4 hours per week. Participants will learn from readings, audio lessons, videos, mini-tutorials, discussions and self-practice exercises. 

Outcomes of this Course

By the end of this short course, you should be better able to:

  1. Identify the topic for a podcast or audio lesson
  2. Use podcasts to fulfil learning objectives in different subject areas
  3. Determine the right equipment for creating a podcast
  4. Identity and use relevant apps or software to record and edit a podcast
  5. Create and publish a podcast episode to the NTI page on the EPIC portal


A Certificate of Completion will be awarded to those who complete all the tasks in the course. To earn a Certificate of Participation, you must:

- Participate (post at least one message) in at least three course discussions forums 

- Complete all three quizzes with at least 60% in each quiz.

- Submit a complete Audio Lesson by Week 4.

All certificates will be issued at the end of the course.